
HomeoVet Avian Worm Clear Online Hot Sale

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HomeoVet Avian Worm Clear

Can aid in and support the removal of tapeworm, roundworm and eyeworm.




less than 1lb 2
1-20 5
over 20 10


  • Dose remedy in water and allow bird access for the day
  • In acute cases one dose can be given every 15 minutes, up to 4 doses to individual birds using a dropper of the correctly diluted
    remedy. See grid above for correct dilution
  • When improvement is seen decrease frequency of dosing to twice daily then once daily. If symptoms reappear repeat original dose.
    Discontinue use when symptoms subside

Birds: Add 2 drops to at least 8 oz. of drinking water daily.

For treatment to remove worms, dose 3 times daily for 14 days by refreshing water and only providing sufficient that close to entire amount is drunk without depriving the bird(s) of water. For prevention of worms, dose 3 times daily for 7 days only, repeat every 60 days. Prevention dosing is recommended. For persistent infestation, one dose daily for 30 days and if remains persistent or infestation is severe the product be used alongside conventional & herbal wormers with no danger of interaction due to the products low molecular profile as a homeopathic. Always seek advice if in doubt and ensure you to remove the source of infection, e.g. by grouping birds of different ages, cleaning when restocking, removal of or restricting access to intermediate carriers such as snails in the case of Fluke infestation.

If the problem remains persistent or is in any way severe the product be may be used alongside conventional & herbal treatment with no danger of interaction due to the products low molecular profile as a homeopathic. Always seek advice if in doubt and ensure you to remove the source of infection, e.g. by grouping birds of different ages, cleaning when restocking, removal of or restricting access to intermediate carriers such as bedding etc.

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